It's a wrap!
A wrap up: The Gardeners worked their collective and collaborative tail feathers off on the NEST PROJECT, and, I admit, dear blogaphiles, I was a bit apprehensive the first day...but after the big work of unloading and stripping leaves off the Arundo cane, I could sense that the Gardeners had a head of steam up and weren't going to let NUTHIN' stop them from building a friggin' giant nest. It was hot work, as the temps were up there, and the sweat and sunburns combined to push the Gardeners hard. At the end of the first day, the NEST was essentially built, tall, shaggy, and, thankfully, quite imposing against the Oakland sky and hardscape. The next two days were composed of lots of creative discussions, loud music, good food, locally at Chop Bar and Miss Ollie's, and also back at the ranch with the usual Gardeners-who-love-to-cook doing their thing. By the afternoon of the third day we were well along, a bit dingy, especially after the 4:30 PM union cerveza break. We sat back, and as is usual now after 5 previous installations, were proud and kind of amazed at this giant thing we accomplished, and were exhausted, and sad that it was over. We really love doing this crazy thing. Gardeners, as I wander on my road trip in the Western US, I will have many good thoughts about you, and I will miss you, and, of course, i will start figuring out where to land my Collaborative Art Swat-Team next!
The Gardeners would like to thank our guest sound track designer, Jeff Tentschert of Texas and Arizona for his wonderfully NEST appropriate soundtrack for our amazing Bowerbird NEST in Oakland. Jeff worked long and hard to make the birds tweet just right and my favorite was the menacing sound of the chainsaw intruding into paradise. Thanks also go to Joe B's brother, Terry Brubaker of Berkeley for excellent work and research into sound delivery systems...( solar powered boom box), and haunting lighting effects...( outdoor led landscape lights powered by a battery starter/charger), AND food prep and chef's duties working side by side with Will Brubaker, our amazing chef/caterer, at the blow-out BBQ the last night of the install, the cooking was great, the vino was flowing, and the NEST looked like a vision, glowing against the cobalt dusky sky. Thank you Mr. T and Mr. J for generous efforts...wear your Exquisite Gardner NEST T- shirts with pride. My niece Amelia even got into the act the last day, and lent her hands and creative spirit to our work. Thank you Amelia! Finally, would like to thank video dude Elia Vargas for his seamless and artful integration into our carnival of creative chaos..he is obviously a pro, and we can't wait to see what he comes up with for us after the editing work happens. Thanks to my son Will B. for coming up with the site, and the Bower Bird Nest concept. Thanks to Gary and Anna of Campovida Wine Tasting Bar and to Adam and the crew of Linden Street Brewery for giving us a site, with added generosity and hospitality for our work.
Gerhart, the giver of Arundo!
Gardeners, Terry B, Will B and Jeff H, hard at work making BBQ for the last night bash!